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Children's Ministry
(Newborn-Grade 6)

We have an active children's program at our church. We have Sunday school classes for each age group, children's churches for them during the morning worship service.

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Teen Ministry
(Grades 7-12)

We have a teen boys and a teen girls Sunday school class. We encourage our teens to be actively involved in the local church by singing in the choir, playing instruments, helping with the nursery, helping in Sunday school classes and in the children's churches.

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Adult Ministry

We have an Adult Sunday class where just the adults can get together and study God's Word. We also have a monthly fellowship time on the first Sunday night of every month.

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Van Ministry

Our dedicated workers drive our van every Sunday morning to the Northeast and Elkton areas picking up boys and girls who wish to come to church. We believe that every person should have the opportunity to hear the Word of God.

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Visitation Ministry

We believe the great commission is for every Believer to obey. Please contact us to get involved with reaching our Jerusalem for Christ.

Music Ministry

We have an adult choir, which sings every Sunday night and every Sunday morning. We also have special music each service as well as instrumentalist who play along with the service and do special music.

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